Co-Operative Housing Society RecordsTables.
BanksCash Opening Balance
Expense Types
Fixed DepositsField Names are to be used according to the needs of the information. The Primary Key is essential. MembersOpening Balance (Banks)
Transaction Types2 fields. Autonumber and Tr. Type. TransactionsWhat is important in the selection of the fields is the type of information the user may need. Not everything need to added at first. In trials, use less information, and get to know the use of the program and its intricacies. You will be able to refine it later. Combo BoxA drop down list is contained in a combo box. It is generated by the Look Up Wizard. In the above picture you see: Bound Column = 1 which means only one field is to be stored. Count Columns are 2. One which will be stored, the number, and the other which will be displayed, the Bank Name. Column Widths: (of the counted columns). First is 0" and the second one is 2" separated by a semi colon. The List Rows and Width determine, how many rows will be displayed and how broad these have to be. Year Month Table
bank balance query openbankbalance query Cash Balance query expense type query membersname query Note the field Name is derived from two fields of the members table. There should be a color after the derived name. the table fields should be in square brackets. They should be joined with &" " & The Quotation marks create a distance of one space between the names. transactions query 2 By selecting Transaction ID 2 or 3, we take Cash/Bank type and Bank type. Transactions query 3 is same as above, but with criteria is 1 or 3. This way you select Cash and Cash/Bank transactions only from the Transactions Table. FormsDesign a form in Design view with "openbankbalance" query as the record source. In the lower have design a sub form in data sheet view from query: transactions query 3. In the top add the command buttons - Close Form = Form Operators, Close Form, Text Display = "Close Form" Calculator: = Form Operators, Open Form = "Calculator" Find Difference = Form Operators, Open Form = "Calculator 2" Sub FormRecord Source: transactions query 3 Two unbound text boxes in the Form Footer, calculate the sum of the currency totals Breceipt and Bpayment. They are given "other" name to identify them in the main form. Breceipt has deptot as its other name and Bpayment has withtot as its other name. Right click on the text box, click on Other Tab and give the name. Click on the form properties square on top left corner, and get this property card Change: Default View. Views allowed, record selectors, navigation buttons. as in the above picture. you should get